In medias res

          I'm one semester away from graduating, and this fact blows. My. Mind. Just two short years ago I knew nothing about the world that is LIS beyond the fact that there was some guy named Melville who we credit for organizing the books in an extraordinarily specific way, and now here I am, gathering my last set of texts, prepping my final first week discussion board intros, and looking over the jobs listed on OLAS with the actual eventuality in mind that I may be working at one of them this time next year. No more living in the world of potentials; I am here, in this scary/exciting/nutty world of 'it's all happening.'
          Lucky for me, it's ALL happening NOW. I'm working (part time), mommy-ing (all the time), wife-ing (I do this pretty well the majority of the time), and all of the other "ings" that all of us have to do: cleaning, driving, shopping, cooking, reading, writing, planning, trying to master a bit of relaxing... with all of these daily ing things I am hopeful ing that the semester flies without my suffocating under the almost certain pressure. (Do any of you remember that scene from Superman 3 when he turns the coal into a diamond? That's on my mind now, for some reason...)
          Well, at any rate, it's the beginning of the semester, the near-end of my time at UB in the LIS program, and it's in the middle of everything for all of us. Good luck to all of you out there!


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